How do you think the universe and all it contains got here. Was it created by God over a short time, over a long time? Did it appear all on its own? What do you think?

How do you think the universe and all it contains got here. Was it created by God over a short time, over a long time? Did it appear all on its own? What do you think?
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I vote that God works through natural processes and that a day to God could very well be over millions of years that pass here on Earth. Who are we, humans to limit God?
Interesting controversy here, the jury is still out for me.
I vote for science as well. The myth is fine though.
The problem is that neither creationism nor evolution are truly science.
I’ll go for science above myth every time!
The problem is that neither creationism nor evolution are truly science.
Science is about coming up with theories to explain what is observed, then building models that would allow those theories to be true. It is also about seeing if alternative theories and models work to produce what is observed. When you reach the point that shows that one particular theory is the only one that can possibly fit the facts, then you are as close to scientific certainty as it is possible to get.
The theory of evolution reached that stage a long time ago. Scientists know the processes by which living things change over time, and can trace just about every species that is living today back to the organisms from which they evolved. The tool that seals the deal is DNA.
I disagree. How has the possibility of the biblical account been disproven? You cannot scientifically prove or disprove a historical event. History relies on witnesses to verify events and, in this case, there weren’t any.
In addition, there are huge problems with the theory of evolution which are generally swept under the rug.
Every ancient society had its creation myth, and the account in Genesis is just one such. It is similar to that of the Babylonians, and for good reason, because that was where the authors of Genesis got most of their ideas from.
I’m sorry, but the line “it could be true because nobody can prove it was false” does not strike me as a very firm foundation for certainty, in any discipline. Actually, in the case of Genesis it is quite easy to present alternatives that are far more convincing.
Proof of historical events is certainly possible – from such things as archeology and corroborative contemporary accounts of events.
Which “huge problems” for evolution do you have in mind? There are certainly a few pieces of the jigsaw still to be found, but the basic principles, and a great deal of the details, are as sound and reliable as you might wish to find.