
Love ItLove It

Plan B

I had my day all planned. I had a list. I had ideas. Then I suddenly remembered I have a family. They also have plans for the day and none of their items were on my list! So it seems that the first discussion would be about compromise, but I was not that smart. I was selfish and wanted to hurry and get my desires moved to the top of everyone’s list. (I am not proud of this.) I caught myself and had to remind myself that the world doesn’t now and never will revolve around me. If I want to be happy I need to be kind, giving, and take care of what is best for all before I make my selfish little list. (A smart person would never share this publically.) However, I need reminders to keep me on track and telling people what I am going to do makes me be more accountable.

I am going to make breakfast and hopefully, as we have our breakfast together we can find what everyone needs and wants to be done today and do what is best for all.  There is always plenty to do, but the order of what gets done first always seems to be a tipping point.

  • Question of

    Do you ever have a to do list?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Does setting goals work well for you?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you think Virily has goals for this site?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. Taking on writing online means I have to know what I want to accomplish each day and especially if I have deadline coming up. So every morning when I get to my PC I jot down what I should be doing and hope to complete it during the day.


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