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Photos Chain Challenge – Eternal Love of the Swans …

The swan is a symbol of rebirth, purity, chastity. Beautiful birds have been revered since ancient times. The Mongols believe that the first humans were born of swans.

Like humans, swans have feelings for their partner, but unlike most humans, they are monogamous. Male swans fight each other to win the love of the female, once mated, they are given each other with love and attention for life. They show their love by caressing their long necks, kissing and touching their beaks. They show the same affection and love for their young, and the male, although he does not help in hatching the eggs, is always close around the female and the nest. In this love and attention, the male swan is ready to sacrifice his life just to protect his partner and the little ones from all dangers and predators.

Information: https: //

Ileana Calotescu changed the rules for participating in this challenge .. If you want to participate check here

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  • Question of

    Is there eternal love between us humans?

    • 1.Yes
    • 2.No
  • Question of

    You visited this post. Do you have a virily account?

    • 1.Yes
    • 2.No


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by lacho59


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    • This eternal love you are talking about is impossible for atheists. (Atheism in the broadest sense is the rejection of the belief in the existence of deities). Do you agree with my opinion?

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