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Pattern ~ Wednesday Shadows

Walking on a sunny morning at sunrise, with clean air and warm sunlight feels very refreshing. At times like that, things that are related to life seem stretched to start a new day. Likewise with the gentle wind that collaborates with the appearance of the sun which is very low on the eastern horizon. Being outside in the morning like that, not only freshness, optimism, the joy that we can get, but often ideas and insights.

I took the picture above when I jogged this morning. At that time I was stopping to tighten the shoelace. After noticing the long shadow as the effect of the sunrise on the dried leaves, I immediately took a snapshot. Outside the dried leaves with the shadow, I was also interested in the pattern of the road.

The word pattern does have a lot of meanings, but when I associate it with the dead leaf, I feel seeing that pattern, the cycle, both in small or short units and in very long turns, in small and large things, also in terms things that are not visible or that look very clear, in ourselves, events, or in the universe.

  • Are you interested in paying attention to various patterns?

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What do you think?


  1. But you are really attentive and watching everything around you … I probably would never have noticed this, although it is something special dear Albert

    • We are the pattern that lives in the patterns, right? Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and so on are the clearest examples of seasonal patterns. It may also be with changes in weather, shoots grow and deciduous leaves, and everything else.