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Oh! Carol – Song With A Woman's Name

Song Saturday is the perfect day to continue my series of songs with a woman’s name in the title. 

Today, I am sharing the song “Oh! Carol” by Neil Sedaka. The singer has a contagious smile and hopefully the video will put you in a good mood. I am dedicating the song to Carol DM. 

See the lyrics here


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Written by ellie925


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  1. Women are a better inspiration. 💅 Jokes aside, I found a few songs. “Tiny Tim”, a kid’s song about a turle, and there’s “Tim McGraw” by Taylor Swift. And there’s a music piece dedicated to Jed.

  2. that was very kind of you!

    I always wondered why there are so many more songs with woman’s names than men’s names?

    I would love to see a post song about men named Jed.
    Or songs about guys named Tim!


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