
Love ItLove It

Neither snow flakes nor hale stones

Much as I would have liked to have snowflakes falling on my head or watching hale stones dropping  that has never happened in my life even though  I had  visited  so many cold countries.

But nature was teasing me by giving me an overload of petals from our bell fruit tree  and a bumper of fruits that fell like hale stones and covered the ground.

Bell fruits are sweet and juicy but there is a limit to how much one can eat or make prepare juice  After giving away to those who do not have that tree – there is no sale here  – we dump them in our compost pits year in and year out.

  • Do you have fruits that have no takers?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by grace


  1. Come visit me, you’ll have enough snow soon, dear friend … we don’t have that kind of fruit … if we don’t eat it, but we animals
