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My daily picture – Saharan dust over town

An air mass laden with dust particles of Saharan origin has affected my country in recent days. Saharan dust is a mixture of sand and dust from the Sahara, the vast desert area that covers most of North Africa. How is it possible for the Saharan dust to go so far. Simple! As in other parts of the world, the wind can blow strongly over deserts – whipping up dust and sand high into the sky. If the winds in the upper part of the atmosphere are blowing north, the dust can be carried over Europe.  I remember that last year, at this time, something similar happened. In the photo, you can see today’s sunrise in an atmosphere full of Saharan dust. You can see what a sunrise looks like in a dust-free atmosphere if you click here. 

 The photo was taken from my balcony in the morning.

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Written by Ileana Calotescu



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