
Love ItLove It


Mothers cry from love. They also cry when not only the kids leave home but also when kids come to their lives.

When the midwife handed me a small bundle, I didn’t see the face of my son through my tears. +

But I knew it was the best thing that happened to me so far.

Throughout the day I was floating like in a dream; important and not important things started to change places, something had to happen. The river of life turned into a new river and I couldn’t stop it.

I looked at this sleeping face for a long time; no, I wasn’t looking for similarity, it wasn’t important to me. I just looked at the one I love most from now on, and the tears flooded again.

After three years, I met my second miracle, daughter, with the same emotions. and with the same love.

I believe that not only me alone feels this way. Millions of moms feel the same – extraordinary goodness to cry out of love.Simply the moms are just such.

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Written by Fortune