I love honey but must admit that I don’t know very much about it. I know that it’s sweet and delicious, some people use it like they use syrup on pancakes or sugar in their tea; and it has a lot of health benefits. But I don’t know much about how to use it for medicinal purposes.
One honey that has become very popular in recent years (at least here in the USA) is Manuka Honey. It comes from bees that pollinate from the manuka trees or bushes which grow in New Zealand. This honey is edible. But it has healing properties that can be used to treat external and internal ailments. Hospitals use it to treat burn patients. New, healthy skin tissue is formed when the honey used in conjunction with other topical applications. Some patients who were going to have their limbs amputated had their infected wounded treated with this honey and were healed. As a result, the surgery was not necessary. (Source) Sounds almost like a modern-day medical miracle, doesn’t it? When in fact, this natural remedy has been used for many years by the Maori, an indigenous people of New Zealand.
These days there are all kinds of products made with Manuka Honey. Creams, lotions, band-aids, and even shampoo for pets. And of course, you can just buy the raw honey in a jar and put it in your tea or your smoothie or cake!
Learn More About Manuka Honey:
#Manukahoney is indigenous medicine 1st used by New Zealand’s native Maori. Now this #naturalremedy has many modern medical applications and is used by doctors in hospitals around the world. ~ https://t.co/PJmQstkv3i ~ #alternativemedicine #traditionalmedicine #medicalscience
— Rx4Wellness2018 (@Rx4Wellness2018) January 22, 2020
Nine (9) #HealthBenefits of Adding Honey To Your Day, including promoting #hearthealth & boosting energy. There are different types of #honey. To choose "the right honey", look for #ManukaHoney or #rawhoney. Moderate your consumption. ~ https://t.co/iKpmMjQBbk via @Flipboard pic.twitter.com/eX6DOvgD6V
— Rx4Wellness2018 (@Rx4Wellness2018) January 22, 2020
#ManukaHoney #HealthBenefits – What You Need to Know https://t.co/Hk3G9blyz4 This #superfood is Antibacterial, Anti-cancer, Anti-inflammatory, & an Antioxidant. "…taking raw manuka honey each day can help you #loseweight & improve your general health." #healthtips @natural_wire pic.twitter.com/AE7bvrx3VN
— Rx4Wellness2018 (@Rx4Wellness2018) January 22, 2020
#Manukahoney may be expensive but its #healthbenefits are worth it. @NatLivingIdeas explains that it can help #prevent #inflammation in the #colon + can help repair damage in the #GItract caused by #Hpylori infection + #IBD. Read more here: https://t.co/AqGHKiSrip pic.twitter.com/5TOq30p9Sa
— Lauren Cornell MS RD (@LaurenCornellRD) June 30, 2019
Not only do Mānuka plants bring you the sweet treat of honey, they also help restore lands and native plant species by protecting sensitive areas from erosion and keeping waterways healthy! https://t.co/9TmJhuvBWd #AwhiManuka #ManukaHoney #Honey #HealthyFood #HealthyLifestyle pic.twitter.com/3cPmPUZEfm
— AWHI Manuka Honey (@awhius) January 20, 2020
Make your hair’s hydration a priority and everything will turn up flowers. Our #HydrateAndRepair Collection is formulated with #ManukaHoney & #Yogurt to soften and promote healthy-looking hair! pic.twitter.com/P8VdtC3Sx3
— sheamoisture (@SheaMoisture) May 29, 2019
A morning snack that’s healthy and yummy? Sign us up! #WellnessWednesday #Smoothie #Vitamix #Snack #Oats #ManukaHoney #Breakfast #Nutritious pic.twitter.com/Dq3C9RbMl2
— Adjust to Wellness (@ATWFamilyChiro) November 16, 2016
{ New } You NEED to make this #manukahoney orange pound #cake with honeyed cream cheese filling @ComvitaUK https://t.co/WhrxU0tGZz #recipe pic.twitter.com/KyxlVjMA38
— Lucy P (@supergolden88) March 16, 2017
I have read a lot about Manuka honey over the years, but we do not get it here.
Yes. I suppose that’s why it can be ordered online. It’s expensive. I can sort of understand why it’s not so readily available. Besides that, it seems like hospitals are using quite a bit. It’s in demand.
I love honey, but always use fresh local honey. Wasn’t aware of this one. Thanks!
Our local grocery store has lots of different honey on the shelf. But I think for this type of honey one has to go to a health food store. Or order online.
I didn’t know much about this. It is certainly something I will look into. Thanks for all the information. #meaningfulcomments
You’re welcome. I was glad to do the research and share it.
honestly haven’t tried this – honey is something we use for tea instead of sugar!
I often don’t think to put honey in my tea until I get the cold or the flu. My kids like honey in their tea.
honey really helps, it can reduce your cough, not suppress it, but helps make your throat feel a little better!
I sort of wish manuka honey was a little less expensive. But when you can use it to treat burn patients, I guess it’s worth the price your pay.
it is amazing what nature creates to solve the problems humans made.