The black swallowtail caterpillars enjoy feasting on the herbs in my garden. One year they decimated my parsley and this year they seem to have a preference for my dill plants. I am torn between moving them off my plants and allowing them to feast until they are ready to become butterflies. The black swallowtail butterflies are indeed beautiful. My only hope is that after sacrificing my herbs they stick around in my garden. After all I do need some reward for losing my dill plants to the swallowtail caterpillars.
Question of
Have you seen a black swallowtail butterfly?
Question of
Do caterpillars feast on your herbs?
I don’t have herbs
I have not noticed in my garden caterpillars in my garden.
They seem to like my garden and I don’t know why
I can’t grow a dang thing.
No green thumb eh? I believe any anyone can be a gardener.
One of my very favorite butterflies. I see them often in my garden. What a great informative post my friend. Love the photos.
Thank you. My favorite ones too but I don’t get to see them often enough.
Caterpillars covered with hair or bristles, with one exception, are rarely poisonous. The fuzzy wuzzy, caterpillar that predicts winter cold is not poisonous nor is the gypsy moth or your tent caterpillar. … The puss caterpillar is the hairy exception I mentioned above.
You have lots on information on the caterpillar. Thanks for sharing.