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Indian discovered cure for corona virus in cow dung and urine

Swami Chhakrapani Maharaj, president of the Hindu Mahasabha, an Indian organization has claimed, there is cure for the deadly corona virus in cow urine and dung. The death toll from the corona virus that has spread in Wuhan from China has exceeded 300, and thousands are affected.

The deadly virus has infected 25 countries around the world, including the United States, Britain and Australia, and hundreds of people have been infected.

Earlier, the Thailand’s doctors had discovered the first cure for the Corona virus, but now Indian Swami has claimed to have discovered a unique cure for the Corona virus. Chakrapani Maharaj has claimed that corona virus can be cured by lapping cow urine and dung on the body.

Earlier, an Indian officer offered unique logic, saying cow dung would protect them from the effects of nuclear radiation following a nuclear attack.

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