Many of the exhibits at the Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition are pieces that make one wonder why anyone would want to buy them. However, this one – the iceberg picture – is not in that category.
It is a painting in acrylics, probably based on a photograph. The full title is “Austere Beauty: Iceberg off Cape Mercy, Baffin Island”.
I could live with this on my wall, and would find it conducive to relieving tension after a difficult day, just by staring at it.
Whether I’d be too happy about paying the asking price of £9,950 is another matter!
Is this the sort of thing you would like on your wall?
You have a point, there are things I would not like on my wall, but its famous in an art gallery. I like the iceberg very much.
I am not fond of having artworks although I have some that were given by artist friends.
Sure, I could live with it.
The price though makes it essential that it would be an investment I guess. As Robert Hughes noted – “The new job of art is to sit on the wall and get more expensive.”