
How not to tear tights

Opaque, transparent, with or without pattern, tights are a must in our wardrobe. But how many times have you left home with some new tights and, after minutes, you already have a hole in your socks?

Tips for extending tights life:

Transparent Varnish: This is the best known trick if you already have a pulled cord or a hole in your tights. Apply some clear varnish to the ends of the tear so that the hole does not get even bigger. Apply varnish with tights worn or extended on hand.

Lacquer in the broken area: After varnish, you can also apply hair lacquer in the hole area.

Rinse in cold water and put in the freezer: When buying glass socks or tights, rinse them in cold water, put them in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer. The cold will strengthen and strengthen the nylon fibers.

Put on and remove your socks correctly: Start by removing the rings, bracelets and even the watch. These small pieces of jewelry can pull the strings of the socks. Attention: if you have long nails you should be even more careful when wearing these socks. Then you should sit down, wrap the piece in your hands and wear one foot at a time. get up and unroll the tights carefully. To undress, the sequence is reversed.

  • Question of

    Do you wear tights?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Does your tights last long?

    • Yes
    • No


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Written by nela13