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How far do celebrities go

I was blocked at a site because I criticized heavily what I saw in the attached link

Celebrities took pride in exposing their baby bumps almost in the nude.  There were many on the site where I was blocked, as they  thought it was their pride of joy and nothing wrong in exposing almost nude. . But I thought that exposure was not called for. They were sending wrong signals to youngsters around who emulate them in every possible way.

They would  have gained a lot of respect if they waited patiently and perhaps published a photo such as the one that you see here.

What is your take on this?

  • Question of

    Would you as a woman endorse this approach?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Would you as a man let your wife/partner do it?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by grace


  1. I don’t mind seeing a woman’s bump when she is pregnant, however some people who are famous wear horrible clothes and I don’t like the example they set for others either.
    A person should always have some personal dignity even the nudes of Michaelangelo and Leonardo De Vinci had more dignity in their personal view than some of the so called famous people with no personal respect..

    If I do nudes in an art class it is done in a way that covers…

    • I agree with you. I even raised objection when one of our celebrities met our PM wearing revealing clothes. There was no respect shown to the PM

  2. Honestly I think I don’t fit in with the times. I have never liked people posing in the nude, but I pretend that I am deaf. dumb and blind .
