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Happiness is a state of mind

For me, happiness is a state of mind. Joyful, confident, open. Peaceful, free, existing in us, regardless of the circumstances. If our happiness depends on the external, then it, as the stock market, will constantly fluctuate, and we will periodically find ourselves in a deep crisis.

In my opinion, the secret of happiness is that it is already present in us, right now. Happiness is in the nature of any person – regardless of how he feels at the moment. We have clarity, wisdom, joy – right now, at this very moment.

People have this peculiarity: suppose you have ten qualities, of which nine are good and one is bad. What will we focus on in the first place? Most likely on the bad. It will not give us rest, we will think about it constantly, worry, feel guilty.

First of all, recognize the existence of the problem. Often our flaws are like our shadow; they are hard to recognize. then we should become tolerant of ourselves. If we see that our anger is the result of our fear, feelings of insecurity, helplessness, it will be easier for us to accept its existence in ourselves and in other people. If we tolerate ourselves, we will become more tolerant of others.

Hind that diamond in yourself – your happiness. 

© Fortune, 2020

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Written by Fortune

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