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Good Friday without food and water

Good Friday is the day when the son of God Jesus Christ was crucified to become a scapegoat for the sins of mankind.

On this day of the Holy Week, fasting in the Orthodox Church is particularly strict – then neither is it eaten nor drunk (even water). On Friday, Faith requires not to do any work.

On Holy Friday no Holy Mass is used during the day, because on that day the Lord himself sacrificed himself and the King’s Hours are being performed.

On the evening in the temple, Christ’s sufferings, his death and his funeral are recalled and experienced.

Before the beginning of the service, a symbolic tomb of Christ, decorated with flowers, was raised in a specially raised place in the middle of the temple, and on the throne was placed the Painter – the fabric with which the dead body of Christ, after its removal from the cross, was wrapped. The platter is a sail on which the image of the savior laid in the grave is sealed. The platter is exported in the following way: the singer stands before the north door of the altar and slowly begins to sing the first stitch: Egda from the other, followed by the priest and other church workers who carry a linen cloth and thus walk three times around the crucifix the prepared table and put the cloth on the table. Then the priest, and after him the worshipers, kissed St. Cross, St. The gospel and the linen itself.

During the evening worship, the Lord’s offering is carried out in front of the linen. The chants are dedicated to the sufferings and deaths of Christ.

Once the Paypal is delivered to the evening worship service, it circles around the temple and symbolically performs the funeral of Christ.

At the end of the evening, the priest takes the Plateau from the center of the temple and brings it inside the altar, laying it on the holy throne or elsewhere designated for that place.

I do not eat any meat on this day. But I drink water.

I used information

The symbol is from the Google collection.

© Elenka Smilenova 2019 – All Rights Reserved

  • Can you endure without food and water one day?

    • Yes
    • No


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Written by lacho59


  1. I have never tried yet if I could hold one day without food and water … I do not believe … I wish you happy holidays
