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Ghost Ship

An mysterious ship reached on the coast of Ireland in which no one was present. When the Coast Guard of Ireland spotted the mysterious ship heading to the coast, an emergency was immediately imposed and security officials surrounded the “Ghost Ship”.

Coast Guard, Maritime Agency personnel immediately took action and ran their boats towards the ship, while two Navy helicopters also approached the ship. Security forces personnel were surprised when they entered the Ghost Ship because no one was inside the ship and it reached the coast of Ireland on its own.

During the investigation of the incident it was revealed that the name of the ship arriving on the coast of Ireland was ‘MV Alta’, which was actually damaged in 2018 which was left unattended by the crew. Hurricanes Denes in Europe and Britain caused 110km per hour, making the ship itself travel thousands of miles and reach the shores of Ireland.

The Port and Shipping Department took the ship into custody and grounded it, reports that the owner has contacted the Irish authorities and he will be arriving in Dublin soon to scrap and sell the ship.

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