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Get Your Act Together

The is no point in playing blame games and calling each other out. In a time of crisis US and China seem to be playing these games, each blaming the other for the meltdown we face today. Would it help?  A question we need to ask oftentimes in our lives too.

Blaming, name calling , calling each other out and bulling  just doesn’t help. Get your act together. and do what needs to be done.  Don’t sell your peace for a battle that is not worth fighting.

Energy gets wasted when it is spent on things that are of no consequence.  We have more important things to fight for, let’s fight them.  Peace comes at a price, so buy it and ensure safety. Right now we need to save people from this terrible Virus and here we have people who are busy engaging in name calling. Help others who need help, do the things that will bring more value and respect to you as a country.

A catastrophe brings with it various opportunities. We need right focus. Seize  the day!!

  • Question of

    Do you see the point of wasting energy in battles that are not worth it?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    It is better to focus on what needs to be done, Right?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by Dawn


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  1. Thank you Doc, I found it rather annoying to see them engage in this pointless fight. The Chinese foreign minister talk utter crap and so does Trump . I feel like shouting from the roof tops . Shut up already and do something for your people, they are dying.

  2. Clarification:

    When you write in the open it is for all ( community ) to read. Nothing is personal anymore. If you send a pm, it is personal. That is my understanding.

    I have nothing against you or anyone. My posts is generic in nature.. if you read between the lines it is up to you.

    Fine if this is how you feel about so be it. I am not interested in this ,so I will not respond to your taunts.

  3. I think the blame game between US and China has to do with their superiority in the world in terms of technologically advanced, scientifically advanced, economically advanced, military advanced and so on. Thus, it is a matter of proving to the world who is to be blamed. Sadly, we will except more of it. If only the two countries could find a common ground.

    • It is always a fight to prove who is right and who is wrong, who is stronger and more powerful, and the pawns in the games are the poor citizen caught up in this struggles with no help around. Its that in troubled times like these we do not practice restrain and do what need to be done.

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