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From the Vault

There are times when I have the time and inspiration to write. I am going to create a vault of posts while I am in that phase, so when life happens and I cannot write, I can post and participate as time and situations allow. 

I will clearly tag them #fromthevault. I understand some of them may seem out of touch and out of season. However, it may be that you see a greater variety and some things that you may not have expected. 

I am also staying true to my goals and accountability. It’s just the time to share them here. I do hope that you find some things interesting when you find them.

  • Question of

    Do you have posts just waiting?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you have some new ideas that will reshen the site?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do we all remember that when we help each other, everyone wins?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. It is all about being open to new ideas!

    Accept those around you for who they are!

    I have so many people here on Virily that I look forward to reading and sharing their ideas and posts (and a few I avoid).

    Change though, is hard!

  2. I like to try new things and ideas with art work and photos. I look for new places and expressions..I think you can refresh the site by seeking and by seeking you will find…

    I hope to refresh an oil painting soon on the easel and also I have some ideas for what is called “Inktober”, pen & ink & maybe that with colour added for October..

    Try and explore new things is fun..
    If you don’t have fun then you aren’t doing it right…