
Love ItLove It

Everything Requires Practice

No behaviors and habits just happen. Every single one of them requires practice. Some people try to be mindful of what they practice and others simply go with the flow. Any behaviors done repeatedly are practiced behaviors. 

When she wakes up and looks at the clock, a thought goes through her mind. What is that thought? Normally it’s the same or similar thoughts and it is a habit.  If she wants to practice optimism then she may want to begin with the first thought of the day. What are some optimistic choices that might work for her?

“Positive thoughts precede great deeds.”

“Every new day brings new opportunities.”

“Great days are created. I choose greatness.”

Perhaps having copies of positive thoughts on her nightstand could be a way to introduce a practice of optimism. It could be a step. 

  • Question of

    Does anyone want more tips on practicing optimism?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you consider yourself optimistic?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Can you be a realist and optimistic?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. I always try to look at the bright side. I sometimes fail, but I try. William James (founder of the Harvard School of Physiatry and brother of Henry James the Author) postulated that simply smiling every day will make your life better. Everyone (mostly Frued) made fun of that theory. But it has been tested many times now, and it works.

    Be happy!!!

  2. Well it looks to me like one of the answers is not available. When I check before I hit publish it is there. I guess this is the new normal and what must be dealt with.