If you’ve caught the latest installment of the endless gypsy wardrobe thread, then you know my Sisyphean task might finally be over, if either of these versions is good enough to use for a final render…
Question of
do you prefer the green version?
Question of
or do you prefer the red version?
I prefer the blue/green one.
I can also go blue, but…
I prefer the blue/green one.
thanks for letting me know
I think I like the green better than the red, but it may just be today’s preference 🙂
I keep going back and forth, myself…
That was a tricky one! Although the skirt is the most beautiful shade of red, I voted green because I preferred the overall look (including the purple headscarf)
thank you for explaining your preference, that was most helpful
Voted for red.Red is more effective.
thanks for voting, Branka
I went with red last time but since your changes I am starting to favor the green.
yeah, I find my taste shifting from iteration to iteration as well…
I went with the bright red color since it looks better on the gypsy.
you just like red because it reminds you of pizza
You are correct once again. I only eat pizza around once a week though.
you shouldn’t eat it more often than that
I can’t due to health concerns.
I voted for the green one. They are both nice though.
who’d have thought a gypsy would bring me such troubles?
Love them both but still going with the red, and the slight difference in the skirt material is great.
it really took me too long to figure out how to handle the underskirt…
I could tell you were ready for this one to be done. Great outcome.
She isn’t done, that’s just her wardrobe sorted. Now I have to stick her on her caravan steps
An artist’s work is never done.