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Dreams come to those who seek, try, don't give up

Once upon a time, there was a girl who had a basket full of dreams. Some were tiny and simple like a grain of sand, while others were large like Everest. Some dreams were as distant as heaven, others – very close that you could touch them, hug, and fulfill. 

All the life of a girl were dreams. Have a beautiful blue shovel to build the most beautiful sandcastle for the most beautiful princesses in the world. Find a friend to share the candy in half. Get ten points from the history checklist. To meet someone who could be given a heart thirsty for love and tenderness. Access to university. Learn to smile, even when the world is showing nails. Write… and discover people who would like to read.

Little girl’s dreams came true and gave her joy and love. However, she grew up. Now the girl was eager to find her way of life … sticking it out of small pieces, little by little.

But she was timid, modest, hesitant. Still, she continued to paint her dreams in a variety of colors. And waited for them to come. They will find the girl, knock on the door one night, and lay down on her palm.

And one day, the same day as thousands of other days, the girl looked around. She saw people climbing Everest themselves to achieve their dream. She saw how they try every day, collapses, and rises again until they catch their dream. The girl realized that dreams come to those who seek, who are trying, who don’t give up.

At that very moment, she realized one more thing – finding answers is so easy. Compared to how difficult it is to turn them into works…

© Fortune, 2019 

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