If you have a dilemma in which school or college to enroll a child, you want to change the job, and you are not sure if you will make the right choice, a professional orientation will help you to better understand your personal abilities and weaknesses, make the right decision easier and protect yourself from embarrassment, disappointment and failure
The quality of life, the level of satisfaction and happiness depend to a large extent on whether we are dealing with a job that suits us. Therefore, the choice of school, faculty and the future profession should be taken seriously and thoroughly.
Question of
Do you do the job you love?
Question of
Should the child be focused on occupations?
Question of
Did you pay the job well?
Question of
Has anyone influenced your choice of work?
Interesting poll! Sometimes even if we study the thing we love, it can turn out that we don’t enjoy working it.
Agree with you, Love for the profession can also be endangered by the collective
The key of success is getting a great teacher and the desire to learn what we are really good at in life.
agree with you, a good teacher, can help a child a lot
That is true since teachers have been there and they want to share their knowledge to their students.
Not a lot of preparation went into my schooling for work, women in the 60s were supposed to get married and have children. I didn’t get a lot of help in my early life. Looking back I would have made an excellent nurse. Thats what I do well.
Is your job a nurse?….
No I am retired, I have done all types of work, and the last was home care.
Well, I did not understand your dear friend
I missed out on the chance to influence my kids’ education but, looking back, that might’ve been for the best.
It’s not so scary if children have their own attitude, and the decision they want in life
You’re assuming we all have children…
No, but you can imagine,or a general opinion whether parents should direct children
I don’t think it is my prerogative to have an opinion about how other folks raise their children- especially when I have none of my own
Maybe, maybe not. Even childless people can see if a child is being sent down a bad road by bad parents.
You’re talking about a specific instance, this post is about a generic parenting strategy; an area in which I have no experience. I simply don’t think I am entitled to an opinion about this
I agree with you……
you can have your own opinion from the corner of the child. Have your parents been guided and whether it is right
I feel my parents did right by me, but that is as far as I am willing to go. Even there, it seems dicey to have an opinion about how my parents raised me…
Good poll. Hope can help those who have this kind of problem
Thank you, Albert !!!!
You are most welcome, Branka
thanks for participating in the survey.
These questions do not pertain to me but good issues you bring up.
thanks for participating in the survey