
Do you use bath sponges?

You probably think it is beneficial for your skin to use puffs or sponges in the bath, helping in this way to exfoliate and cleanse the dermis, right? No, it is wrong!

Sponges create an environment conducive to the emergence and spread of bacteria and germs that grow and multiply in just one night. This is because the dead cells you remove from the skin are held in the puff’s net or in the spongy tissue. Then we leave these objects in the bathtub, that is to say in a warm and humid environment, which gives rise to the exponential appearance of bacteria and mold.

If you still do not want to stop using your puff or sponge, scientists recommend that you wash it after each use and place it to dry in the open air. You should also replace this object every three to four weeks.

Image credits: Pixabay

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    Do you use bath sponges?

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Written by nela13