
Love ItLove It

Designing Simplicity ~ Deleting Thoughts

Many people understand that getting rid of things is part of inviting simplicity into their life. One of the best place to begin getting rid of things are those thoughts that don’t serve you well. Sometimes I find a little information that I have to read two or three times to process. This statement was one of those things.

“More than 60,000 thoughts running through your head and most of them are happening outside of your conscious awareness.”  (Go ahead, read it again.) You are not even aware that these things are running through your mind and they are creating part of your love. 

It makes it much more clear that controlling the thoughts that you are aware of need to concise, accurate and in the best interest of your family. 

Deleting thoughts is not an easy task. I get frustrated when I am driving and the passenger starts giving me random directions. “Remember to turn right in two blocks.” I literally think in very detail. “If you insist to give me directions on what to do, give them at the appropriate time. I would be happier with “Turn right in the next block”  It’s the remember thing that gets stuck in my craw. “If you want to tell me what to do, just tell me.”

Let’s point out the obvious, if I keep these thoughts inside my head only and never tell the passenger then it is all on mean. I can’t expect them to read my angry and annoyed mind.

So now I pay attention when I catch thoughts that are making my life unhappy and either talk them out with person or make a choice to truly delete them and focus on other things until they don’t come back.

  • Question of

    Were you aware of how many unconscious thoughts could be floating around in your head?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Are the some thoughts you want to delete?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. I know and realize that my conscious mind is too noisy, but I will ignore it and will only pay attention to the priority while remaining vigilant if there is a part of the noise that has raised my certain feelings.

  2. It is often the random ones that drive me nuts. Driving, sitting, whatever I am doing, suddenly my silence is pierced with “did you do this?” Inside my head.
