

The poem, “Dare To Be”, posted below, by Doctor Steve Maraboli is a powerful statement about how to live from generosity, wisdom, and loving-kindness. “When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully. When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light. When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it…” Dr. Steve Maraboli is the author of several books and videos that are motivating and inspiring millions across the globe. He is a Behavioral Scientist specializing in Motivational Psychology, Leadership Dynamics, and the Peak Performance Mindset. My copy of this book is well worn from regular reference. I have posted his poem, Dare To Be, below, in the hope that someone reading it can, like me, also be inspired by the contents of which I honestly try to live by, here it is:


“When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light. 

When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.

 When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway. 

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back. 

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some. 

When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going. 

When times are tough, dare to be tougher. 

When love hurts you, dare to love again. 

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal. 

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way. 

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

 When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.

 When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great, too. 

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best. 

Dare to be the best you can — At all times, Dare to be!”

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