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COVID-19: Islamic Azaan for first time on Friday will be broadcast on BBC Radio

Due to the spread of the Corona virus in the UK, all the mosques are closed due to the lockdown, and in view of this, for the first time on BBC radio, the call for azan and sermon is being broadcast every Friday for Muslims.

The program, which will be broadcast on BBC radio every Friday, will begin with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by the Imam’s narration by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and the sermon will be started.

BBC Local Radio chief Chris Burns said: “Local radio connects people in the community, and we hope that every week, Friday sermons and the call to prayer will make Muslims feel united despite the lockdown. 

BBC radio presenter Phil Upton says “mosques are closed due to the Corona virus in the UK, which has created a gap in the worship of Muslims which is being used to fill this gap.” ۔

Islamic Azaan translation.

Allah is the greatest , Allah is the greatest 

I bear witness that there is no God beside Allah.

I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah 

Come to Salah ( Prayer) Come to Salah ( Prayer )

Come to Success  – Come to Success

Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest

There is no God beside Allah. 

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