There is another building coming up near our home and with construction happening the dust flies around like crazy. This is made worse by the strong breeze we have in the mornings.The fine dust of the cement and the digging work has covered our homes in dust. Finally I got a couple of my neighbors to go with me to the builder and speak to him about covering the areas with tarps. It will help a little bit but we will still be covered in dust and grime.
My plants and lovely roses are mired in dust. I spray them down with water everyday to keep them breathing well. I also try to wipe them clean once in a while, but there are way too many plants on my balcony and terrace. All our neighborhood trees are brown with the dust. Only some rain can bring us some relief.
The allergies caused by the fine dust make so many people sick here. But there is very little we can do about it. Everyone is walking around in masks, and we are running out of face masks. The corona virus scare hasn’t helped either.
Question of
Do you have construction work going on in your neighborhood?
Question of
Will you tell me how you deal with the dust if you have experienced such problems?
Keep the windows closed.
Thanks Carol ,We do that and yet the fine dust still get in.
This is very embarrassing. I experienced this a few years back.
I wish you don’t have to go through this again. This past couple of years its been hell for us.
I am so sorry to hear that, it’s really unpleasant. I wish I had a solution. For inside the house, maybe an air purifier would be helpful, but for outside I have no idea.
Inside the house is sort of okay, I have put extra shutters , the outside is terrible.
This is very embarrassing, dear Dawn ….. I don’t have a specific solution … just hope it ends quickly
I okay my friend. I am working on a few different things.
I hope the work is done soon, dear friend
we got something called a mister. It basically takes tap water and creates a mist. You can move is around and it will gently remove the dust.
I use the mister for the plants everyday, but the cement just adheres to the leaves.
cement dust is really bad for that. the other option is to put up a small tent or enclosure while the dust is in the air.
All you can do is hope that they will end soon!?
That is so true Ileana. Keeping my fingers crossed.