As some of you may know there is a change in the earning pattern here. We now get 3 virils when our posts are viewed, 2 virils when comments are received on our posts and 2 virils when we comment on our own posts.
We will get 1 viril when we view a post of other users, but no virils when we comment on posts of others.
I know many would say they are not interested in the earnings and that story I have heard in a similar situation and when payment was stopped the field was empty.
Will this change in the earning pattern here, bother you?
Somehow I am disappointed. But, the site won’t be my means of earning but interacting.
My experience here has been that users are here to earn and so with what is going on at the moment I am not sure where we stand.
I don’t care how much I get at the end of the month. I’m here to have fun and will continue to do so.
Not all think the way you do.
This is all because of less earnings to Virily. This is not good for the future.
And now it will be worse as users have stopped commenting as they do not get virils for that Users may proclaim that they are here for the interaction but that is not true going by what I see.
Most Users have stopped commenting as they do not earn virils for that.
I do not like that now you do not receive any points when you comment on other posts. Many people will no comment anymore.
It is already happening.Many have stopped commenting.
I will get 2 virils for your comment but you will not get any. This is distressing.