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Celosia – There are several varieties of Celosia. Flowers can last up to ten weeks. It is 5-20cm high depending on the variety. It is planted in a well drained and richly nutritious soil. Sometimes spiders can create problems. The roosters bloom in red, pink, gold, purple, but they can also be bicolored. When celosity is planted in a group of flowers, they look like a flame, which is why they got the name of celosia, which in Greek means “burn”. The cortical cortex does not like much moist soil and water it from time to time. Save them every month. Reproduces seeds, you can also gather seeds from plants in the flower. Plant it in pots and when you reach the height of a few centimeters, place them in the garden.Celosia is well dried and used to create a dry flower arrangement. High varieties are used as cut flowers because they do not change the long color of the flowers.

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Written by Branka Drobnjak