I am having a bit of a frustrating morning. It would appear that no one wants to listen to me this morning! No one in the house will respond. The computer keeps handing me “Comment Submission Failure”.
Shred the to do list. Clearly nothing is going as planned. It’s 5:50 am and I am already frustrated. Who is responsible? Me, 100%.
Accountability is something I take seriously. I cannot prevent many things from happening.I can with patience, thoughtfulness and strong will, control my reactions to those things I cannot control.
I am wandering away.
Question of
Are you ever sad when you can’t comment?
Question of
Do you sometimes just walk away?
I end up trying a bunch of short term solutions. I have 4 or so now.
I’m usually not sad but frustrated when I can’t comment …
or I have that time-out error a lot