Kim has a challenge for June, you can find the details here….. HAPPINESS.
I have many things to make me happy every single day. I was out looking at my garden this morning. We had a lot of rain the last couple of days. I noticed my Tiger Lily plants have buds. These lilies are so big, the size of your hand. And a deep burgundy color. They are a lot different from the yellow Day Lilies. I will show you the blooms when they finally open up. I was excited as I transplanted them last year and I see it was successful.
Tiger lily flowers (Lilium lancifolium or Lilium tigrinum) offer a tall and showy flower that you may remember from your grandmother’s garden. The tiger lily plant can reach several feet tall, and while the stems are usually stiff and sturdy, a slender stake occasionally helps provide an upright appearance and support for multiple flowers. They come is different colors. Mine are the burgundy.
I also learned this fact a few years ago. Even though many parts of the tiger lily are edible by people, the pollen is toxic, causing sleepiness and vomiting. Every part of this lily is poisonous to cats. We all need to know what is growing in our gardens.
Photo ©CarolDM2018
Have you seen Tiger Lily blooms before?
I love Tiger Lilies, they are one of my favorites! Great post!
I like it in the whole color range
Thanks Elenka my dear friend. You have been missed.
Thanks I cannot wait for the blooms.
I am excited to see the flowers, I haven’t had any burgundy ones.
I am too, even though I have seen them. 🙂
There’s always something interesting to learn from you Carol.
You are so sweet Bradley, thank you and always good to see you!
Loved my tiger lilies until they were destroyed by the red beetle
Oh no I am so sorry about that.
I do love tiger lilies.
They are the best right?
I do love tiger lilies and seeing them bloom.
I know they are another favorite of mine.
The daylilies at church are starting to bloom and are packed with blossoms. We have several at home getting ready, too. A couple of them are tiger lilies.
Don’t you just love the bug Tiger lilies! So pretty and the butterflies like them as well.