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Blue Floral Skies ~ Day 294

The weather has gone back to the summer temperatures again after all the rain we had. So looks like fall is further down the road. Maybe it will be here soon. In the meantime I still have Rose of Sharon blooms to share with you. They will be gone soon. Have a great day everyone. Enjoy the little things. The blue sky looks great today!


365 Photos Challenge Day 294

  • Wishing you a great day. Blue skies in your world?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. Very pretty flowers, nice shot! Hope fall will come soon for you!
    We are chilly today….dropping down to the 60’s after 80’s and 90’s for months…
    but we did have blue skies for a change…the smoke seems to have finally cleared.

  2. Even with us it was cold and rainy-today it was already nice-it is necessary to take advantage of every beautiful day Carol
