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Be Still

My husband says this to me all the time “Be Still”. I understand that he means more than just sitting still, because he says it when I am laid back in the recliner. I was beginning to think he was trying to say “shut up” in a more polite fashion. Then I realized he stills says “shut up” so that must not be it. 

I finally got all the technology shut down and sat in front of him and asked the question. “What do you mean when you tell me to be still?”

“I want you to stop thinking, still your body, and just be still.”

I simply cannot do it! I can concentrate on my breathing and still thoughts are going through my mind. I cannot literally clear my mind and think of nothing. I can quiet my body,  and don’t understand how to quiet my mind. One person suggested I acknowledge the thought then let it go. Do that in my mind with pictures? Say it out loud? Close me real tight, breathe and hope it goes away. I don’t ever remember a time when my mind was not thinking about something.

It’s clear that I am doing something wrong.

  • Question of

    Can you help?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Will you help?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. I’ve bad insomnia and one of the reasons are invasion thoughts when I shut my eyes. I tries many things, even smoothing music, imagining a rubbish bin and dumping all thoughts in there, breathing … they don’t really help.

    I’ve heard stretching before sleep is really helpful… I haven’t really try that yet and I don’t know if this could help you in anyway.

  2. Good for your supportive husband. He is right you know. We have to be still in order for our minds to calm down. I learned this on my own. We all have to find what works for us. Meditation, deep breaths, whatever works for you. We are the only ones who can quite our mind and it has nothing to do with being told to shut up. 🙂