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April 4th ~ Here's the Curve Ball ~ Choices ~Account

I had a list and I was getting busy and working right through. The list looked like this

*Get laundry from upstairs to washer one and started

*Get laundry from downstairs to washer number two

*Paper work for business

*Paper work for doctors


*10,000 steps

They all looked like great choices and I was ready to go. Then found brother on the floor doubled over in pain. Quickly read the directions the doctor had given because of the infection. Emergency room – now.  So off to the emergency room – intestines didn’t burst (good news) – has pneumonia, bad news. His fever is high and he is being admitted.

Who is his primary caregiver? (I wanted to run to the truck.)” Me.”  You need to be checked. 

Problems with me. Need to have treatment for my lungs. (I had no clue how many way people can get pneumonia. What an education.  Breathing treatment, iv but I get to go home because I am also caregiver to my husband. 

So what did I get accomplished on my list? Water and amazingly 10,000 steps.  I have to prove to them after the iv and breathing treatment that I could walk, breath and be released.

  • Question of

    Does it sound like a curve ball to you?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you know how grateful I am for family, even if they are not well?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Ghostwriter

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