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Another Big Project

It feels like if you get done with one there are three just waiting off stage right! I have another huge project at work and there is much to do at home as well. After Bro is done with his surgeries I will probably have to give in to the knee replacement. The pain is getting worse as the arthritis sets in with the cold weather. I do have a lot of pain and I do my best to take no pain killers. There must be some kind of balance there, but nothing that seems to be working really well. He has to be able to get around before I am stuck in the basement.

So the work project will probably put me into some major overtime.  There simply are not enough people to get the one on one practice time that is needed. However, I can only do so much so I will the do the best I can and try and set some boundaires.

  • Do you ever a hard time balancing work and home life?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. The reality of life right!

    You have a lot on your plate, many things going on. I’ve shared this one before but this is my favorite adage about life.

    When you are up to your neck in alligators
    it is hard to remember your original job was to drain the swamp!

  2. sometimes I find it hard to balance my job and my home life because I am into monitoring, I need to check the email or messenger every time to be updated on reports. Sometimes I am also occupied on weekends.