The Drongo is perched on this cable and for me it seems it is deep in thought. I wonder if birds think too?There is so much about birds we do not know. We had this bird visiting us regularly but this year I do not see it
The drongo is a unique bird. It can chirp in several ways including the meow, the whistle of the parrot and several chirps that belong to other birds. My first experience listening to its chirps made me rush out to see if a cat had appeared near the birdbath.
Being a homebody for me my main entertainment is listening to the chirp of several birds that visit us everyday
Is there any particular activity that keeps you entertained in this lockdown period?
Interesting bird. I take a job working in the garden and apartment.
Work is our companion and that needs to be enjoyed.
I play badminton with my wife and little kids during the lock down
Nice way to spend the lockdown time.
hmm nice informative post
Glad you found the post informative.
you’re welcome grace!