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"A friend in need is a friend indeed"

This is a different kind of need – a noble deed.  This doctor succumbed to the Coronavirus here in India. He was a renowned Neurosurgeon

The locals refused to bury him for fear of contagion  There was pandemonium on the road, the ambulance driver got injured, the vehicle was damaged. A close friend of this doctor rose to the occasion  He drove the Ambulance himself and took the body to a location where he dug the grave with help from two others and buried his friend with his own hands. 

I have no words to express.  This was indeed the rarest of the rare need.

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Written by grace


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  1. What he did as a friend is great. Friendship is something valuable. But in the particular case, if his friends have families, they should have a greater responsibility to them. If they become infected, they become dangerous to their families. Here in Spain people are buried where relatives say.


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