
8 Great Tweets Sharing Blogging Tips for Newbie Bloggers

When I first started blogging, almost 2 decades ago, I was like Sergeant Schulz on that old TV show “Hogan’s Heroes”.  I knew nothing!  Nothing!  I didn’t even know the value of having a social media account on Twitter or at least in following public tweets (you can Google them).  Fortunately, when I jumped into the blogging waters, even though I couldn’t swim, there were lots of fellow bloggers willing to throw me a lifeline.  I try to pay it forward and return the favor.  I don’t have the statistics but I am positive that almost every day, some inexperienced clueless newbie just like me decides to JUMP IN!!

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Related Post:  My Blogging Advice: Do Your Thing!

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  • Question of

    Are you a newbie blogger?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you scour Twitter for blogging advice?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    How long have you been publishing a blog?

    • Less than 5 years
    • More than 5 years
    • I don’t publish a blog


What do you think?

16 Points


  1. When Bit started it’s new campaign this year, I was forced to set aside my own blog to support the site. Yes, I am using Twitter but I am not very knowledgeable on how to make the most of this platform. Great tips here.

  2. I have a blog which has been neglected badly after I created my own website. Now one is dead and buried and the other is getting there . LOL