This is a yellow Christmas star. (1/3) List item Submitted to "Happiness given by Kim – Color Crazy" Approved by lacho59 December 18, 2017, 2:43 pm 15 Views 9 Votes 7 Comments Share Tweet Pin In most cases, we are used to seeing it in red. MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by lacho59 7 Comments This is gorgeous! Love this color. It reminds me of a geometric design. It also reminds me that we learned about both art and mathematics from observing nature… Lovely leaves and colour Very unique indeed! I just received one but traditional red. Love the shape and the color! Owh… I love this one, dear friend!!! wow…very beautiful color
It reminds me of a geometric design. It also reminds me that we learned about both art and mathematics from observing nature…
This is gorgeous! Love this color.
It reminds me of a geometric design. It also reminds me that we learned about both art and mathematics from observing nature…
Lovely leaves and colour
Very unique indeed! I just received one but traditional red.
Love the shape and the color!
Owh… I love this one, dear friend!!!
wow…very beautiful color