Perspective is not at its best when you are in that position, you know. So, she gave up and said: “LEAVE ME” — (3/15)

Written by HarpingByAPixie

Entrepreneur by day; dreamer by sundown


    • I am the type of person who sees the good from the bad — I learned a lot of lessons from this one that turned me into quite a different and, I would like to think, a better person. For that single reason, I would remember that one as an “angel” in this lifetime. I hope I have done him good in return but I am not certain. If he keeps coming back then there must be good somewhere hahahaha — sometimes, it is up to us to cut the cord, though.

        • There are people like me who give a lot of chances — and I never regret being like that to family and people in general. However, in each chance I give, I take two steps backward — by the time the person used up all the chances, I will be so far away he can no longer catch up. I always think I have a strong character and so many times I believe I have to be more giving because I know I can carry the consequences of my action if it comes to that.

        • Am I? In the path, they say that a person must learn things and then unlearn the same lol — now, the reply button is all used up — up to you to answer or not — all I know is I earn Viril if you do hahahaha

        • Hahahaha oh well then let me earn more. The only thing about Viril earning is that I do not understand how it works. Several days back, I got curious about my dashboard and so I opened it and saw it has less than $6 or $7, I cannot be sure but I am pretty sure it has more than $5. Then yesterday I opened it and saw there is only $4. Like magic. Or maybe life — it goes high and low. Hahaha! Altho, I am not complaining — my WordPress blog does not earn me anything and yet the time and effort and love I pour into it hahahaha — I like to write there more because it does not have word limit and I can edit easily when I miss anything while proofreading

          • I assume the discrepancy in your account has to do with the fact that you’re not being credited for January yet. At least, I am not getting any January credits at this time and it sounds like you’re in the same boat…