Frozen in time (1/7)

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Submitted to "Timeless in Montana"

Bare spots can be seen on this extremely steep hillside. Only a year ago, the rock face would have been hard to see because of the huge number of trees that covered the entire hill. There are still trees here but the snow helps to show how a substantial part of these hills is now barren. Many of the trees that can be seen are also dead because of the fire. That isn’t as apparent in this image.

The river can’t be seen. It is at the base of the rock face. Of particular interest, though, and the reason this image was taken, is the frozen waterfalls in the lower left, just above the treetops at the bottom this picture. When the spring thaw comes, these will be free-flowing, cascading down the mountainside.

Written by Rex Trulove


    • I agree. I’ve thought about meeting and becoming friends with the people who live in the place across from these waterfalls. I doubt they’d mind if someone took pictures of the falls from right across from them. :))

        • That is the interesting thing. Nearly everyone going from the east or southeast to Spokane, Washington, Seattle, or Cour d’Alene, Idaho, drive down that stretch of road. That is the most direct route from Missoula, Helena, or Great Falls, Montana, to those other cities. A lot of people talk about the ‘fly-over’ states, but truth is that most people who drive from one place to another don’t pay much attention to the areas they drive through. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, though, especially considering that tourism is one of this state’s biggest industries.