Lolita! (3/6)

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Vladmir Nabokov’s contraversial book about a middle aged literature professor’s obsession with a twelve year old girl was one of the more compelling novels I’ve read. The novel is narrated by its anti-hero Humbert Humbert, who we are told penned this memoir before his death while awaiting trial for murder in an American jail. Humbert is despicable, but the genius of Nabakov’s narration draws the reader in to hear the rationale for his crimes and the source of his madness. It’s a brilliant book, and it scared a lot of people.

Written by PaulPallazola


  1. I understand where you’re coming from with this post. I agree. No book should be banned. America is supposed to be a country where we have freedom of speech. I also understand racism. And today, unfortunately, we have more than in the past. But we can overcome all of this if we just open our minds and read more and learn more. Education is extremely important.

  2. Off topic: My name is Spanish class throughout high school was Lolita, and some old and dear friends still call me this today… This sounds like an interesting read, but also may make its readers angry/upset 🙁
