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this is a really old model I made some time ago, when I wanted a milk carton for a refrigerator I was rendering. if this thread does well, I will update the model with something less embarrassing

But I will still leave the embarrassing baby pic


  1. I don’t know if you’re aware that kids pictures are prohibited to be posted in the Net as it’s against the ethics on journalism. In the news, the kids face is blurred. Haven’t you noticed it?

    • First, that is a picture of myself which I have every right to post. Second, why would anyone blur the face of a missing child? That utterly defeats the purpose. Finally, can you cite your source for this ethical prohibition?

    • While interesting, this is less an ethical and more a legal issue. News agencies often show pictures of missing children. In this case, however by any means this is an adult posting a picture of themsevles. It is not bound by any ethical limits.
