
Wander project the sadness that is Fake News….

There are three rules I have as a person. The first is to verify the information you share. The second is share information about technology that people don’t know, and third when you find or when I publish information that I later found to be wrong, post a correction. One of the posts I occasionally read posted that the top 5% of Americans pay 95% of the taxes. While that is an interesting number, it is truly wrong. Here is a link to the actual numbers that are much lower. The reality is that high-income Americans pay less than 28% of their income in an effective tax rate. Some countries have effective tax rates far more than 40%. Overall it pays to make 2 million or more per year in the US.

I worry about all the disinformation that floats around now. Scientists from the United Nations, after a five-year study, published the warning to the world two days ago. That warning says that by 2040 the global temperature will have risen by 2-degree Celsius. That is beyond the confines of the Paris Accord, and the scientists projected that the increase in atmospheric temperature would cause some problems. For example, the shore that these pictures are shared from will be as much as two feet higher. That means Marina’s current dock and many thousands of docks along the costs of the world will be underwater. Just replacing and rebuilding the docks around the world will be trillions of dollars (wholly an estimate by me, no facts to back that up).

I worry that the word of mouth just because someone said something Zombies are taking over. Once upon a time, before the internet, there was a reality in the world. We as human beings sought information from sources that were reliable. Now, it is possible to simply declare anything you don’t like Fake News. I truly blame the freedom of information that the internet has started. You see, there are two sides to information creation. The first is the actual information the second is the source of information. Once upon a time, it behooved you to validate your sources before publishing. Now, with the help of the internet, you can publish, and you don’t need sources.

All the picture today come from my camera taken by me. All the information in this article is either backed up by published studies or noted as my personal opinion. If you disagree with my opinion, post a link to a peer-reviewed study that says something different and I will retract it!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!