
wander project the days of poets past

Yesterday, Friday for those reading this later, was an exciting day. In many ways, Friday is at least the slow down of the workweek. I often have to work on Saturdays and Sundays. But I don’t have to get up as early on the weekends because I rarely have to go to the office on weekends. So, no need to be up before dawn to be on the road at a reasonable hour. I can sleep in a bit. It is funny when I was 17 I thought sleeping in was until 11 am or so. Later on, we would be out and about until 3 am so sleeping until 11 was a good thing. But then we weren’t sleeping in. I wasn’t a magnificent night owl as around 2 am I got tried, and from then on was thinking about sleeping more than whatever we were doing.

Sometimes it was playing Pictionary until all hours of the night. Or trivial pursuit. I had a great friend that was good at trivia. She and I would go toe to toe for hours on the trivial pursuit. We stopped playing the game and just picked random cards to challenge each other. College days were all about late nights and being out and about. I remember our favorite coffee house was full of “adults” when we were in College until around midnight. Then those with responsibilities (read kids) went home, and the poets took over.. We did impromptu poetry readings. Sometimes it was our works. Sometimes the actions of those that influenced us to read with the conviction of a poet.

Those would go until 2 or 3 in the morning. A friend of mine was doing a dramatic reading of Thomas Gray’s Eulogy in a country churchyard. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house. We all decided that night to write such a poem—a Eulogy in a place that wasn’t expected. We ended up with so many creations. I remember a few of them were Eulogy to the last piece of pizza in a dumpster. Another was Eulogy to the losses the story of football in Indiana. We had a lot of fun with those events in College. Now, the only time I see 3 am is when I get up early to cram in extra work before I get in my car to head downtown. Not, that recently I have been heading anywhere. I was waiting for that to be a reality again.

This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)

my wife loves to give cards

end with flowers!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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