
Wander project The Chicago Bears!

For some reason, the site ate my picture 100 for Vidocka, so I added it as the first one in the wander. Exciting that the first folder was Brussels (only because the two places are in a subfolder called work trips). The first photo is the missing photo from my song Saturday post! Sorry about the confusion and my apologies to everyone’s ears. I realize in sharing the most excellent song that was ever written with you; you will never be able not to hear this beautiful song. I first heard it when I was very young. I remember it vividly on Thanksgiving day. Years ago, on Thanksgiving Day, it was always a rivalry game. In the US National Football League, there are three franchises reasonably close to each other.

Greenbay has won the most NFL championships of any team. Chicago which has won the second. Detroit, which has a long drought since their last tournament. Detroit, the Lions used to play Chicago, The Bears on Thanksgiving day. I was sitting with my Uncle, my father, and my grandfather one Thanksgiving day when the game was on. I asked, who are we for, Grandpa? He picked up and put me on his knee. He looked me in the eyes, and he said, “you are a Bears fanboy, now and forever.” I honor my grandfather and love the Da Bears! They are my favorite team. Of all the Bears teams, the rise of Sweetness, Walter Payton, brought my favorite teams.

It is funny sometimes how things that happen many years ago come back later as the way things are. For me, it was that Thanksgiving day game. My sisters never really enjoyed watching football, and my dad stopped watching professional football after we returned from Bangkok. But I watch the Bears every Sunday, Monday or whenever they were on. I won’t lament the many years of pain since 1986. Instead of today, I will celebrate my favorite Bears team. From Walter Payton to Willie Gault, even William The Refrigerator Perry, that team is forever one that I cherish. I suspect many love groups the way I love the Bears. From college to professional, we love the outfits we love!

This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)

This is Vidocka’s picture 100!

  1. You are the lucky recipient of random comment number 138 “Doctors are just the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you too.” – Anton Chekhov


my wife made me this!

ok the minions are a guilty pleasure


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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