
Wander project old pictures and gray skies!

The pictures today are from nearly a year ago now. I realize that I take a lot of pictures. In the past year more than 12,000 pictures overall. Sadly, I was only able to share 3600 images, so I am in the hole again. Starting the family history project 46000 pictures in the hole four years ago, I am another 28000 pictures in the hole since the project started. I may catch up, but at this rate, I would be near 200 years old and have to stop taking pictures soon. All kidding aside, I love sharing pictures. A couple of the pictures are of the caterer for the upcoming Wedding. My wife and daughter found an amazing caterer. The best fish and chips I’ve had, but we don’t have fish and chips at the wedding.

We are having crab cakes because that is the one thing my mother asked for. We are also having cupcakes instead of a big cake.

The other pictures are of things I shared in the past of the 365-day photo challenge. The rhyme or reason of pictures isn’t always clear. I won’t try to explain them. I went through a “these are the collections in our house” picture phase for a while. I also went through a share the weather pictures I take phase for a while. When I was a kid, I remember thinking that November = Gray skies. Good to know that one is still true! A link to my Yesterday’s Snarky Weather channel on Youtube is included.

We are coming up on my favorite time of the year. I love it when it is cool outside. When there is a chance for snow in the air, and the leaves change color.

The sun will come out tomorrow, right? Except tomorrow never comes.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!