
wander project Christmas Day again!

The pictures are all from Christmas day this year. I am mostly throwing out a few more of the pictures taken that day. I often find myself remembering more and more about an event as I take the time to document the event. This year was the 2nd that we didn’t go to Indiana, but stayed in Maryland. We did call and talk to my mom and my youngest sister in Indiana in the morning. We also had a nice holiday lunch as a family. My son-in-law and daughter headed off to their second celebration at my son-in-law’s father’s house. Traditionally when the kids were little, we only made Ebbelskivers (I’ve been told that is Danish for Apple Slices) with apple filling.

This year we also made cherry and peach. The peach was a request by my wife. We also made Maine Blueberry filled! The Maine blueberry jam was picked up on our trip to Maine early this fall. Everything we bought in Maine had one of three things. Blueberry flavor or scent, Moose shape, or my wife’s favorite category something she thought was cool.  Anyway, our son-in-law is allergic/has a really bad reaction to Blueberries so we made apple, peach and plain. Our daughter likes plain without any fruit int hem. We sometimes we roll hem in powdered sugar before serving them. But we do not do that every time, and we did not do that Christmas morning.

The last part of the process was sharing presents. My daughter gave each of us the beautiful paintings that she created. My wife and I gave everyone in the family socks. The socks gift is an homage to her mother. She always gave socks at Christmas, every year!  The best part of the day for me though, was having the kids all there. It took me back to the days when everyone was under the same roof. Our daughter and son-in-law arrived at around 830 in the morning. Different than the old days. We did end our Christmas celebration with the stairs picture. I don’t know why that picture still speaks to me, but it does, It is a picture that I find to be iconic for me. I guess there is always something that each of us holds dear!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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