
Wander project Caption Tuesday!!!!

Welcome to caption Thursday.

A few more captions. For the first picture:

“A sneer for a cause!”

“We don’t need no stinking badges.”

“Collar up, attitude out!”

For the second picture:

“I would much prefer to eat people’s food, please. Dog food gives me gas.”

“Today is the first day.”

“I am not lost; I am just frustrated.”

The concept of love is an interesting one. My dad loved photography—a lot more than I do. I enjoy taking pictures, but dad loved the idea. I still have his cameras. They are older SLRs, and I have the lenses he used as well. I also have his last digital camera. I could have sold it, but in the end, it is something that I will leave to the kids. The cameras are impressive. I have been using the Olympus Stylus series point and shoot for many years. I also have a Canon DSLR. Both take great pictures, and both offer flexibility for what I want to take photos of. I did a technical review yesterday of the Canon Selphy photo printer; today, I want to focus more on the actual pointing of that camera.

Cameras are all about having. When I started taking pictures, I took a lot of photos with a various point and shoot and DSLR, and before that film cameras. Now I take as many pictures with my cell phone as I do the different cameras I own. That evolution changes things overall. Phones have good cameras compared to the way it used to be. I can sadly wander back to the days of 1-megapixel cameras on cell phones. Not mind that you megapixels improve the quality of the picture. The reality is the photographer is more important than the gear. The moment is more important than the photographer, and in the end, those two are more impactful on pictures.

So enjoy, Caption and have fun! Welcome to the expanded Caption Thursday now Tuesday Challenge!

His work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)

A rebel with a cowlick!

Please sir, may i have another?


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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